Many people have experienced the pain of headaches. It can be extremely debilitating and can last for days. But is sex really the answer to your headache problems? Is it possible that sex can actually help you with a headache? And if so, what kind of sex? We’ll take a look at the science behind this question and see if there is any truth to it.
If you have a headache, you likely want to know how to get rid of it. There are many different ways to treat a headache, but one of the most popular is sex. Although it varies among different types of headaches and every type of headache can’t be cured by sex.
In This Article
Does Really Sex Treats Headaches:-
Yes, sex definitely helps in relieving headache pain. Though there are also various types of headaches people suffer from and all types of headaches can’t be cured by sex but there are many types that are easily cured during sex which even include migraine and cluster headaches.
Talking about headaches mainly it starts mostly from tension and as everyone knows that sex is a tension buster, so some types of headaches which were at a moderate level just disappear to complete relief that also with simple foreplay whereas some type of headache requires orgasm to disappear. As a result, many people use various forms of sex methods to help them get rid of their headaches. However, there is no permanent cure for headaches. There are things that you can do to help yourself feel better though at that time. Many people swear by this method.
If you are interested in using sex to help treat your headaches, then you should also know how sex works in relieving headaches and is it proven or just a myth that works for someone and at the same time didn’t work for a few.
Although before reaching a conclusion and using it as a remedy for your headache you should also know that there have been a few cases that have shown that some particular types of headaches have gone worsened when the patient was involved in sexual activities even in a few cases the pain has gone to an extreme level in on that one minute. So make sure to find out the type of headache you have and does sex help it or not.

How did Sex help to Relief Headaches?
I’m sure that you’ve heard of the saying “The best things in life are free.” Sex works as treat for headaches as the rush of endorphins during arousal and orgasm may play a role in how sex relieves headaches, according to researchers. Endorphins act like opioids because they are the brain’s natural pain relief. It is said by the Association of Migraine Disorders that they provide rapid pain relief that is even faster than IV morphine. That’s right, yes, please! It is possible to reduce the pain of migraines and other types of headaches with a surge in these endorphins when you are turned on.
It’s possible that there are other processes involved when it comes to sex and cluster headaches. According to some experts, orgasm has the same effect as deep brain stimulation on the area of the brain that is involved in cluster headaches.
Things that Support Sex Helps in Headaches:
Although you won’t be witnessing it for the first time that sex and orgasm have been linked as pain relievers. While you are sexually active or having intercourse, especially during the peak time when you are fully turned on has been proven many times in different studies and by experts to relieve pain related to back, head, menstrual cramps even labor pain too.
Different field experts and scientist has been researching and studying that sex could relieve various types of headaches including cluster headaches and migraine. But they have only very few case reports that could prove it. Even various researches are still going on apart from the magical orgasm wand what is it that helps in relive different pain.
Moving forward with our topic lately in 2013 a big observational study was taken which included around 800 undecided migraine patients and nearly about 200 cluster headache patients where they asked about their experience of these headaches while sexual activity and the intensity of the headache when involved in sexual activity. You will be shocked to know that of the people who responded 60 percent of migraine patients reported that improvement in the headache during sexual activity while talking about the cluster headache 37 percent reported the improvement or complete curing of headache while 50 percent reported more worsening of pain during sexual activity.
Even many patients after that confirmed that they are using sex as a reliable therapeutic tool for the therapy of migraine and cluster headaches.
What Type of Sex Helps Here?
There’s no particular type of sex that will only help with headaches to cure, any type of sex would do the same job until orgasm is included in it. So, it is important that whichever format of sex you try say it be solo, partnered, or any other format as you reach orgasm the work is likely to be done which means the important role in relieving headache is played by orgasm.
So here, orgasm is the magic ingredient that waves its wand, and HUSHHHH!!! the titillating headache is gone by the time.
Does this trick always work?
So, if you are assuming that would sexual activity help you with your headache, so everyone has different body types and different hormone production, it can’t be guaranteed that sex would surely help you to relieve your headache. If you had tried and it is not working for you it’s better for you to relax without thinking much and massage your erogenous body parts. Though it won’t help in complete relief from headache but surely calm your tension muscles which would help you in a little relief from the head pain.
Can Sex Cause Headache?
It’s very sad to let you know but yes, sex can also trigger your headache many times. Even the cause of these headaches while being sexually active is not known yet but it’s believed by experts that it has something to do with the neck and back muscle tissue when one gets physically active in sex. Also, few other experts believe that the reason for this is stress and even it can be excitability of the mood.
Any type of headache can be triggered by sex there’s no particular type that will only trigger. If you often experience headaches while being engaged in sexual activity then the sexual activity is definitely the trigger for your headache.
Headaches that you get while doing sex are referred to as sex headaches, which are pretty easier to self-diagnose. These headaches often come when you are going just to get satisfied these are the insane headaches which come always at the wrong time and just like from nowhere they appear.
If you feel a dull headache whose intensity is growing as you are getting sexually excited and if you feel a throbbing headache just as you orgasm or was just going to are the two symptoms of sex headache which you can self-diagnose.
Sex headaches can last from a minute to 24 hours and a few times some cases have been reported of sex headaches to last around 72 hours also.
Should see the Doctor for Sex Headaches?
Although sex headaches are not such serious headaches and can relive completely in around 3-4 hours. Yet if you are concerned about it the best thing to do is make an appointment with a doctor. Also if it’s your first sex headache should visit the doctor and know the reason sometimes it can be a serious issue which we should not ignore.
Visit your doctor if you face any of the few rare symptoms mentioned below:-
- You feel like vomiting and even if you vomit make sure to get a check with the doctor as it is not usual.
- You are experiencing that you are losing consciousness.
- Feels like your muscles are falling apart and you feel weakness in your muscles which shouldn’t happen.
- Unable to feel any sensation while having a headache can be a very serious scenario immediately call for an emergency and get checked up by your doctor.
- Very rare case of paralysis partial or complete if any happens should immediately rush to the hospital.
- If you notice any changes in your behavior, feeling, or movement then you are having a seizure and without wasting time rushing to the hospital it can be very dangerous for you as it messes up completely with your brain.
The Last Word:
Headaches can be so annoying and painful but you can be relieved from that annoying pain with the help of sex. I won’t guarantee you that sex would definitely help to get relive that pain for you as everyone is different here, but if you haven’t tried it you should definitely give it a try maybe it can be worth the risk. Also, I have mentioned how you can know sex triggers your headaches so look for the sign if you have any. Though sex headaches are not often severe, there are a few rare cases in which you should definitely consult your doctor before they transform into something fatal.
Lastly, I would like to say many experts and studies have proven that sexual activity helps in reliving headaches completely or partially and many migrane patients even use this as a therapy too. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and found it helpful too. If you did, then please share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for reading!!!